ODRP: On-Demand Remote Paging with Programmable RDMA
PipeLLM: Fast and Confidential Large Language Model Services with Speculative Pipelined Encryption
D-VSync: Decoupled Rendering and Displaying for Smartphone Graphics
On-demand and Parallel Checkpoint/Restore for GPU Applications
VPRI: Efficient I/O Page Fault Handling via Software-Hardware Co-Design for IaaS Clouds
PowerInfer: Fast Large Language Model Serving with a Consumer-grade GPU
Harmonizing Efficiency and Practicability: Optimizing Resource Utilization in Serverless Computing with Jiagu
Flexible, Secure and Efficient CVM Maintenance with Confidential Procedure Calls
Using Dynamically Layered Definite Releases for Verifying the RefFS File System
WeBridge: Synthesizing Stored Procedures for Large-Scale Real-World Web Applications
XGNN: Boosting Multi-GPU GNN Training via Global GNN Memory Store
sIOPMP: Scalable and Efficient I/O Protection for TEEs
Jade: A High-throughput Concurrent Copying Garbage Collector
Serialization/Deserialization-free State Transfer in Serverless Workflows
Characterization and Reclamation of Frozen Garbage in Managed FaaS Workloads
Proving Query Equivalence Using Linear Integer Arithmetic
CPS: A Cooperative Para-virtualized Scheduling Framework for Manycore Machines
DNA-based programmable gate arrays for general-purpose DNA computing
The Gap Between Serverless Research and Real-world Systems
Bridging the Gap between Relational OLTP and Graph-based OLAP
Analysis and Optimization of Network I/O Tax in Confidential Virtual Machines
Security and Performance in the Delegated User-level Virtualization
Characterizing Off-path SmartNIC for Accelerating Distributed Systems
Automated verification of idempotence for stateful serverless applications
Encrypted Databases Made Secure Yet Maintainable
BWoS: Formally Verified Block-based Work Stealing for Parallel Processing
Database Deadlock Diagnosis for Large-scale ORM-based Web Applications
Fine-Grained Re-Execution for Efficient Batched Commit of Distributed Transactions
No Provisioned Concurrency: Fast RDMA-codesigned Remote Fork for Serverless Computing
ISA-Grid: Architecture of Fine-grained Privilege Control for Instructions and Registers
AtoMig: Automatically Migrating Millions Lines of Code from TSO to WMM
BeeHive: Sub-second elasticity for web services with Semi-FaaS execution
Efficient Distributed Secure Memory with Migratable Merkle Tree
Zero-Change Object Transmission for Distributed Big Data Analytics
KRCORE: A Microsecond-scale RDMA Control Plane for Elastic Computing
Microsecond-scale Preemption for Concurrent GPU-accelerated DNN Inferences
WeTune: Automatic Discovery and Verification of Query Rewrite Rules
Ad Hoc Transactions in Web Applications: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
GNNLab: A Factored System for Sample-based GNN Training over GPUs
Asymmetry-aware Scalable Locking
Serverless Computing on Heterogeneous Computers
TwinVisor: Hardware-isolated Confidential Virtual Machines for ARM (preprint)
Characterizing and Optimizing Remote Persistent Memory with RDMA and NVM
Retrofitting High Availability Mechanism to Tame Hybrid Transaction/Analytical Processing
Polyjuice: High-Performance Transactions via Learned Concurrency Control
Bringing Decentralized Search to Decentralized Services
Scalable Memory Protection in the PENGLAI Enclave
Confidential Serverless Made Efficient with Plug-In Enclaves
FlexGraph: A flexible and efficient distributed framework for GNN training
Bridging the Performance Gap for Copy-based Garbage Collectors atop Non-Volatile Memory
VSync: Push-Button Verification and Optimization for Synchronization Primitives on Weak Memory Models
Unifying Timestamp with Transaction Ordering for MVCC with Decentralized Scalar Timestamp
Fast RDMA-based Ordered Key-Value Store using Remote Learned Cache
Characterizing Serverless Platforms with ServerlessBench
(Mostly) Exitless VM Protection from Untrusted Hypervisor through Disaggregated Nested Virtualization
Platinum: A CPU-Efficient Concurrent Garbage Collector for Tail-Reduction of Interactive Services
GCPersist: An Efficient GC-assisted Lazy Persistency Framework for Resilient Java Applications on NVM
Catalyzer: Sub-millisecond Startup for Serverless Computing with Initialization-less Booting
No Barrier in the Road: A Comprehensive Study and Optimization of ARM Barriers
XIndex: A Scalable Learned Index for Multicore Data Storage
Performance and Protection in the ZoFS User-space NVM File System
Using Concurrent Relational Logic with Helpers for Verifying the AtomFS File System
On the Parallels between Paxos and Raft, and how to Port Optimizations
EROFS: A Compression-friendly Readonly File System for Resource-scarce Devices
Pragh: Locality-preserving Graph Traversal with Split Live Migration
Pisces: A Scalable and Efficient Persistent Transactional Memory
XPC: Architectural Support for Secure and Efficient Cross Process Call
TEEv: Virtualizing Trusted Execution Environments on Mobile Platforms
ScissorGC: Scalable and Efficient Compaction for Java Full Garbage Collection
Deconstructing RDMA-enabled Distributed Transactions: Hybrid is Better!
Analysis and Optimizations of Java Full Garbage Collection
Fast and Concurrent RDF Queries using RDMA-assisted GPU Graph Exploration
EPTI: Efficient Defence against Meltdown Attack for Unpatched VMs
VButton: Practical Attestation of User-driven Operations in Mobile Apps
Espresso: Brewing Java For More Non-Volatility with Non-volatile Memory
Comprehensive VM Protection against Untrusted Hypervisor through Retrofitted AMD Memory Encryption
Sub-millisecond Stateful Stream Querying over Fast-evolving Linked Data
[cite]Extracting More Intra-transaction Parallelism with Work Stealing for OLTP Workloads
[cite]vTZ: Virtualizing ARM TrustZone
[cite]Soft Updates Made Simple and Fast on Non-volatile Memory
[cite]Replication-driven Live Reconfiguration for Fast Distributed Transaction Processing
[cite]Secure Live Migration of SGX Enclaves on Untrusted Cloud
Transparent and Efficient CFI Enforcement with Intel Processor Trace
[slide]Fast and Concurrent RDF Queries with RDMA-based Distributed Graph Exploration
[cite]Fast and General Distributed Transactions Using RDMA and HTM
[cite]Performance Analysis and Optimization of Full Garbage Collection in Memory-hungry Environment
[cite]Efficient and Available In-memory KV-Store with Hybrid Erasure Coding and Replication
[cite]Mitigating Sync Amplification for Copy-on-write Virtual Disk
[cite]Thwarting Memory Disclosure with Efficient Hypervisor-enforced Intra-domain Isolation
[slide] [cite]Fast In-memory Transaction Processing using RDMA and HTM
[cite]Secure outsourcing of virtual appliance
[cite]You Shouldn’t Collect My Secrets: Thwarting Sensitive Keystroke Leakage in Mobile IME Apps
[cite]A loosely-coupled full-system multi-core simulation framework
[cite]Persistent transactional memory
[cite]Reducing World Switches in Virtualized Environment with Flexible Cross-world Calls
[cite]AdAttester: Secure Online Advertisement Attestation on Mobile Devices Using TrustZone
[cite]PowerLyra: Differentiated Graph Computation and Partitioning on Skewed Graphs (Best Paper Award)
[cite]TinMan: Eliminating Confidential Mobile Data Exposure with Security-oriented Offloading
[cite]Bipartite-oriented Distributed Graph Partitioning for Big Learning
[cite]Greedy map generialization by iterative point removal
[cite]Bipartite-oriented Distributed Graph Partitioning for Big Learning
[cite]Building Trusted Path on Untrusted Device Drivers for Mobile Devices
[cite]Replication-based Fault-tolerance for Large-scale Graph Processing
[cite]Computation and Communication Efficient Graph Processing with Distributed Immutable View
[cite]Scalable Read-mostly Synchronization Using Passive Reader-Writer Locks
[cite]Using Restricted Transactional Memory to Build a Scalable In-Memory Database
[cite]Concurrent and Consistent Virtual Machine Introspection with Hardware Transactional Memory
[slide] [cite]X10-FT: Transparent Fault Tolerance for APGAS Language and Runtime