Table of Contents
Rong Chen (陈榕)
Professor at School of Software, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Member of Institute of Parallel And Distributed Systems
Email: rongchen at sjtu dot edu dot cn (
About Me
I have been a professor in School of Software at Shanghai Jiao Tong University and a member of Institute of Parallel And Distributed Systems (IPADS) since February 2012. I received a Ph.D degree (2011) from the Fudan University, under the guidance of Prof. Binyu Zang. My research interests include operating systems, distributed systems, and hardware-software co-design, with a current focus on building high-performance, scalable, and working systems. My work has been recognized by Best Paper Award from EuroSys (2024 and 2015), ICPP (2007), and APSys (2017), as well as Huawei OlympusMons Pioneer Award (2020). I am an ACM Distinguished Member and a CCF Distinguished Member.
I am currently looking for self-motivated students with good background on systems related area. Drop me an E-mail if you have interests to work with me.
Google Scholar | DBLP | CSRankings | Systems Circus | SOSP/OSDI Hall of Fame
- Operating System for GPU, XPU, and Beyond (2021–)
- Modern AI Infrastructure (2020–)
- GNNLab: Accelerating GNN training through systems-level innovation. EuroSys'21 | EuroSys'22 | VLDB'24
- DISB: A new DNN inference serving benchmark for emerging AI applications.
- Fast and Elastic LLM Serving with Parameter-centric Memory Management. arXiv
- Fast and Live Model Auto Scaling with O (1) Host Caching. arXiv
- Fast MoE-based LLM Serving using Proactive Caching. arXiv
- Advanced Datacenter Networks (2020–)
- librdpma: Characterizing and optimizing remote persistent memory. USENIX ATC'21
- KRCORE: A microsecond-scale RDMA control plane for elastic computing. USENIX ATC'22
- SmartnicKit: Characterizing SmartNICs/DPUs for accelerating distributed systems. OSDI'23
- Characterizing Network Requirements for GPU API Remoting in AI Applications. arXiv
- Emerging Distributed Applications (2020–)
- Vegito/GART: Retrofitting high-availability mechanism for hybrid transactional/analytical processing (HTAP). OSDI'21 ATC'23
- MITOSIS: Advancing serverless computing (FaaS) with kernel-level capabilities. OSDI'23 EuroSys'24 NSDI'25
- Improving reliability and performance of applications on disaggregated memory (DM). arXiv
- DrTM: Fast and Scalable Transaction Processing and Storage (2014–2020)
- Replication-driven live reconfiguration. USENIX ATC'17 | IEEE TPDS
- Deconstructing distributed transactions with hybrid RDMA primitives. OSDI'18
- Decentralized scalar timestamp for MVCC. NSDI'21
- Wukong: Fast and Concurrent Querying over Big Graphs (2015–2021) ACM SIGOPS OSR
- Fast and concurrent RDF queries with RDMA-based CPU/GPU graph exploration. OSDI'16 | USENIX ATC'18 | IEEE TPDS
- Sub-millisecond stateful stream querying over fast-evolving linked data. SOSP'17
- Split live migration for traversal workloads on graph databases. USENIX ATC'19 | IEEE TPDS
- Efficient and Reliable Large-scale Graph Analytics (2012–2015)
- PowerLyra: Differentiated graph computation and partitioning. EuroSys'15 | ACM TOPC | APSys'14 | JCST
- PowerSwitch: Adaptive prediction and mode switch on graph computation PPoPP'15
- Operating System Scalability, Reliability, and Availability (2004–2012)
- Cerberus: Scaling applications to many-core with OS clustering). EuroSys'11
Professional Services
- Program Committee Members
- Conference Organizers
- Journal Editorship
- Associate Editor: ACM Transactions on Computer Systems (2024–now)
- Editorial Board of Young Scientists: Journal of Computer Science and Technology (2023–now)
- Youth Editorial Board Members: CCF Transactions on High Performance Computing (2023–now)
- Editor of Columns: Communications of the CCF (2023–now)
Awards and Honors
- ACM Distinguished Member, 2024. Link
- Best Paper Award of EuroSys, 2024. Link
- Second prize of the State Technological Invention Award, 2023. News
- Honorable Mention of Gilles Muller Best Artifact Award of EuroSys, 2022. Link
- Honorable Mention of Dennis M. Ritchie Doctoral Dissertation Award (Co-advisor), 2021. Link
- CCF Distinguished Member, 2021. Link
- Young Scholar of Chang Jiang Scholars Program by Ministry of Education, 2021.
- Huawei OlympusMons Pioneer Award, 2020. Link
- First prize of Shanghai Science and Technology Award for Technical Invention, 2019.
- First prize of Technology Invention Award by Ministry of Education, 2018.
- ACM ChinaSys Rising Star, 2018. Link
- Candlelight Award of SJTU, 2017.
- Best Paper Award of APSys, 2017. Link
- New Teaching Star of SJTU, 2016.
- Best Paper Award of EuroSys, 2015. Link
- Best Paper Award of ICPP, 2007. Message
Visiting Experiences
- 2014.9 - 2015.3 Visiting Professor, National University of Singapore
- 2008.1 - 2008.6 Research Intern, Microsoft Research Asia (Advisor: Prof. Frans Kaashoek)
Selected Publications
Summary | OSDI(10) SOSP(3) EuroSys(6) Usenix ATC(6) |
Award | Best Paper: EuroSys'15 EuroSys'24 |
Best Artifact: EuroSys'22 (Honorable Mention) |
{ * } means corresponding author
- [OSDI] Fast and Scalable In-network Lock Management Using Lock Fission. Hanze Zhang, Ke Cheng, Rong Chen*, and Haibo Chen. The 18th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation, Santa Clara, CA, US, July 2024. paper | | slides | talk | github
- [EuroSys] Serialization/Deserialization-free State Transfer in Serverless Workflows. Fangming Lu, Xingda Wei, Zhuobin Huang, Rong Chen, Mingyu Wu, and Haibo Chen. The 19th ACM SIGOPS European Conference on Computer Systems, Athens, Greece, April 2024. paper | ACM DL | github
Best Paper Award award | Link
Awarded with ACM Badges v1.1: Artifact Available.
Full version paper: will appear in ACM TOCS.
- [SOSP] UGACHE: A Unified GPU Cache for Embedding-based Deep Learning Systems. Xiaoniu Song, Yiwen Zhang, Rong Chen*, and Haibo Chen. The 29th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles, Koblenz, Germany, October 2023. paper | AE | github | ACM DL
Awarded with ACM Badges v1.1: Artifact Available, Artifact Functional, Results Reproduced. link
- [OSDI] No Provisioned Concurrency: Fast RDMA-codesigned Remote Fork for Serverless Computing. Xingda Wei, Fangming Lu, Tianxia Wang, Jinyu Gu, Yuhan Yang, Rong Chen*, and Haibo Chen. The 17th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation, Boston, MA, US, July 2023. paper | | slides | talk | MitosisOS
- [OSDI] Characterizing Off-path SmartNIC for Accelerating Distributed Systems. Xingda Wei, Rongxin Cheng, Yuhan Yang, Rong Chen*, and Haibo Chen. The 17th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation, Boston, MA, US, July 2023. paper | | slides | talk | Smartbench
- [OSDI] Automated Verification of Idempotence for Stateful Serverless Applications. Haoran Ding, Zhaoguo Wang, Zhuohao Shen, Rong Chen, and Haibo Chen. The 17th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation, Boston, MA, US, July 2023. paper | | slides | talk
- [USENIX ATC] Bridging the Gap between Relational OLTP and Graph-based OLAP. Sijie Shen, Zihang Yao, Lin Shi, Lei Wang, Longbin Lai, Qian Tao, Li Su, Rong Chen*, Wenyuan Yu, Haibo Chen, Binyu Zang, and Jingren Zhou. 2023 USENIX Annual Technical Conference, Boston, MA, US, July 2023. paper | | slides | talk | github
Awarded with USENIX Badges: Artifacts Available.
- [OSDI] Microsecond-scale Preemption for Concurrent GPU-accelerated DNN Inferences. Mingcong Han, Hanze Zhang, Rong Chen*, and Haibo Chen. The 16th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation, Carlsbad, CA, US, July 2022. paper | AE | github | DISB
Awarded with USENIX Badges: Artifacts Available, Artifacts Functional, Results Reproduced. link
- [USENIX ATC] KRCORE: A Microsecond-scale RDMA Control Plane for Elastic Computing. Xingda Wei, Fangming Lu, Rong Chen*, and Haibo Chen. 2022 USENIX Annual Technical Conference, Carlsbad, CA, US. July 2022. paper | AE | github
Awarded with USENIX Badges: Artifacts Available, Artifacts Functional, Results Reproduced. link
- [EuroSys] GNNLab: A Factored System for Sample-based GNN Training over GPUs. Jianbang Yang, Dahai Tang, Xiaoniu Song, Lei Wang, Qiang Yin, Rong Chen*, Wenyuan Yu, and Jingren Zhou. The 17th ACM SIGOPS European Conference on Computer Systems, Rennes, France, April 2022. paper | AE | github | ACM DL
Best Artifact Award (Honorable Mention) award|link
Awarded with ACM Badges v1.1: Artifact Available, Artifact Functional, Results Reproduced. link
- [OSDI] Retrofitting High Availability Mechanism to Tame Hybrid Transaction/Analytical Processing. Sijie Shen, Rong Chen*, Haibo Chen, and Binyu Zang. The 15th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation, Santa Clara, CA, US, July 2021. paper | slides | talk | github
Awarded with USENIX Badge: Artifacts Available. link
- [EuroSys] FlexGraph: A Flexible and Efficient Distributed Framework for GNN Training. Lei Wang, Qiang Yin, Chao Tian, Jianbang Yang, Rong Chen*, Wenyuan Yu, Zihang Yao, and Jingren Zhou. The 16th ACM SIGOPS European Conference on Computer Systems, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, April 2021. paper | slides | long talk | short talk | ACM DL
- [OSDI] Fast RDMA-based Ordered Key-Value Store using Remote Learned Cache. Xingda Wei, Rong Chen*, and Haibo Chen. The 14th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation, Banff, Alberta, Canada, November 2020. paper | talk | github | ACM DL
Awarded with USENIX Badges: Artifacts Available, Artifacts Functional, Results Reproduced. link
Full version paper: ACM TOS (selected for fast-track publication for OSDI 2020)
- [USENIX ATC] Pragh: Locality-preserving Graph Traversal with Split Live Migration. Xiating Xie, Xingda Wei, Rong Chen*, and Haibo Chen. 2019 USENIX Annual Technical Conference, Renton, WA, US, July 2019. paper | lightning slides | slides | talk
Full version paper: IEEE TPDS
- [SOSP] Sub-millisecond Stateful Stream Querying over Fast-evolving Linked Data. Yunhao Zhang, Rong Chen*, and Haibo Chen. The 26th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles, Shanghai, China, October 2017. updated paper | poster | slides | github | ACM DL
- [OSDI] Fast and Concurrent RDF Queries with RDMA-based Distributed Graph Exploration. Jiaxin Shi, Youyang Yao, Rong Chen*, Haibo Chen, and Feifei Li. The 12th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation, Savannah, GA, US, November 2016. paper | slides | poster | homepage | github | ACM DL
Abridged version paper of Wukong project: ACM SIGOPS OSR
- [SOSP] Fast In-memory Transaction Processing using RDMA and HTM. Xingda Wei, Jiaxin Shi, Yanzhe Chen, Rong Chen*, and Haibo Chen. The 25th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles, Monterey, CA, USA, October 2015. paper | slides | poster | ACM DL | github
Featured on "The Morning Paper"
Full version paper: ACM TOCS
- [EuroSys] PowerLyra: Differentiated Graph Computation and Partitioning on Skewed Graphs.
Rong Chen, Jiaxin Shi, Yanzhe Chen, and Haibo Chen. The 10th ACM SIGOPS European Conference on Computer Systems, Bordeaux, France, April 2015. paper | slides | poster | ACM DL | homepage | githubBest Paper Award award | link
Full version paper: ACM TOPC
- [PACT] Tiled MapReduce: Optimizing Resource Usages of Data-parallel Applications on Multicore with Tiling. Rong Chen, Haibo Chen and Binyu Zang. The 19th International Conference on Parallel Arch. and Compilation Techniques, Vienna, Austria, September 2010. pdf | slides | ACM DL
Full version paper: ACM TACO
- [OSDI] Corey: An Operating System for Many Cores. Silas Boyd-Wickizer, Haibo Chen, Rong Chen, Yandong Mao, Frans Kaashoek, Robert Morris, Aleksey Pesterev, Lex Stein, Ming Wu, Yuehua Dai, Yang Zhang, and Zheng Zhang. The 8th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation, San Diego, CA, December 2008. paper | ACM DL | homepage | code
- [Chinese] 面向智能应用的算力硬件调度与管理, 2024. talk
- Towards “Intelligence, Storage, Network”: Characterizing, Optimizing, and Outlooking, 2023. talk
- [Chinese] 面向新算力硬件体系的调度技术挑战——操作系统视角, 2023. talk
- [Chinese] 新硬件驱动的系统软件研究——性能、功能、智能, 2022. talk
- [Chinese] 面向异构硬件体系的系统软件支撑和优化技术, 2022. talk
- Evaluation-centric Research: Experiences from A Decade of Systems Research, 2022. talk
- GNNLab: A Factored System for Sample-based GNN Training over GPUs, 2022. talk
- [Chinese] 面向RDMA键值存储的智能缓存, 2021. talk
- [Chinese] 《分布式系统》课程建设与教学实践, 2021. talk
- [Chinese] 基于功能复用构建高性价比分布式系统——以分布式数据复制为例, 2020. talk
- [Chinese] 基于新型硬件体系的图计算系统栈, 2020. talk
- Building In-memory Graph Store for Fast and Concurrent Querying, 2018. talk
- Fast and Concurrent RDF Queries using RDMA-assisted GPU Graph Exploration, 2017. talk
- Building EfficientIn-memory Computing Systemsby Combing Hardware Features, 2017. talk
- Introduction to Computer Systems: 2024 – 2012
- Operating Systems: 2018, 2017, 2015, 2013
- Distributed Systems: 2016, 2015, 2014
- Advanced Distributed Systems: 2024 – 2017, 2013, 2012
- Computer System Design & Implementation: 2019, 2018, 2017
- Xiaoniu Song (Ph.D) | EuroSys 2022 (3rd), SOSP 2023 (1st)
- Mingcong Han (Ph.D) | OSDI 2022 (1st)
- Hanze Zhang (Ph.D) | OSDI 2022 (2nd), OSDI 2024 (1st)
- Rongxin Cheng (Ph.D, co-advised with Xingda Wei) | OSDI 2023 (2nd)
- Jiali Wang (Ph.D) | VLDB 2024 (2nd)
- Weihang Shen (Ph.D)
- Jinrong Yang (Ph.D)
- Xingda Wei (graduated in 2021, co-advised with Binyu Zang and Haibo Chen)
PhD Thesis: Fast Distributed Transaction Processing using RDMA and NVM
Publication: SOSP 2015 (1st), EuroSys 2016 (2nd), ATC 2017 (1st), ACM TOCS 2017 (3rd), OSDI 2018 (1st), ATC 2019 (2nd), OSDI 2020 (1st), NSDI 2021 (1st), ATC 2021 (1st), ACM TOS 2021 (1st)
First Appointment: Assistant Professor, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
ACM SIGOPS Dennis M. Ritchie Doctoral Dissertation Award (Honorable Mention) Link
ACM China Doctoral Dissertation Award Nominee Link
ACM ChinaSys Doctoral Dissertation Award Link
- Sijie Shen (graduated in 2023, co-advised with Binyu Zang)
PhD Thesis: Efficient Large-scale Hybrid Transactional/Analytical Processing Systems
Publication: ATC 2017 (2nd), OSDI 2021 (1st), IEEE TPDS 2022 (1st), ATC 2023 (1st)
First Appointment: A-Star, Alibaba Group
- 2024: Baorong Ding (Jump Trading), Lin Shi (AliCloud), Tianxia Wang (Kunlun Core), Fangming Lu (Apple)
- 2023: Zihang Yao (Optiver), Yushen Xu (JQ Investments)
- 2022: Jianbang Yang (Baidu), Jinqi Wu (ByteDance)
- 2021: Xiating Xie (Baidu), Zhenhan Gong (Huawei), Xuehan Ke (Tencent), Wenhao Zhang (Microsoft), Yilun Wu (ABC)
- 2020: Siyuan Wang (Huawei), Ning Wang (Huawei), Yaozeng Zeng (Paypal)
- 2019: Youyang Yao (Alibaba), Xiaoli Zhou (Alibaba)
- 2018: Xiang Xue (Alibaba)
- 2017: Jiaxin Shi (Baidu), Yanzhe Chen (Google)
- 2015: Peng Wang (Alibaba), Chenning Xie (Google)
- Ke Zhong, Ph.D Student at University of Pennsylvnia (2019)
- Chang Lou (visiting), Ph.D Student at John Hopkins University (2018)
- Yunhao Zhang, Ph.D Student at U. Cornell (2017)
- Kaiyuan Zhang, Ph.D student at University of Washington (2015)