Professor at School of Software, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Member of Institute of Parallel And Distributed Systems
Email: rongchen at sjtu dot edu dot cn (
I have been a professor in School of Software at Shanghai Jiao Tong University and a member of Institute of Parallel And Distributed Systems (IPADS) since February 2012. I received a Ph.D degree (2011) from the Fudan University, under the guidance of Prof. Binyu Zang. My research interests include operating systems, distributed systems, and hardware-software co-design, with a current focus on building high-performance, scalable, and working systems. My work has been recognized by Best Paper Award from EuroSys (2024 and 2015), ICPP (2007), and APSys (2017), as well as Huawei OlympusMons Pioneer Award (2020). I am an ACM Distinguished Member and a CCF Distinguished Member.
I am currently looking for self-motivated students with good background on systems related area. Drop me an E-mail if you have interests to work with me.
Google Scholar | DBLP | CSRankings | Systems Circus | SOSP/OSDI Hall of Fame
Summary | OSDI(10) SOSP(3) EuroSys(6) Usenix ATC(6) |
Award | Best Paper: EuroSys'15 EuroSys'24 |
Best Artifact: EuroSys'22 (Honorable Mention) |