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Research Statement

The institute of parallel and distributed systems (IPADS) conducts research in all aspects of computer systems, with a primary focus on operating systems, distributed systems, database systems, system virtualization, programming model and runtime for multicore systems. Our research also involves other disciplines such as computer architecture, languages and compilers. The research themes of IPADS are improving the performance scalability, energy efficiency and dependability of centralized and distributed computer systems.

We have built a number of systems to address the scalability and dependability issues of computer systems. Examples include a trusted cloud platform that addresses the trustworthiness of multi-tenant cloud (CloudVisor), a reader-writer lock that provides scalable read-side performance and small writer latency (Prwlock), a portable parallel full-system emulator for several hundreds of cores (COREMU), fast graph query and processing frameworks (Wukong and PowerLyra), an in-memory transaction processing framework supported by hardware features such as HTM, RDMA and NVM (DrTM), and a dependable and hardened hypervisor with small TCB (Nexen).

Our current research focus is in providing system support for large-scale computing systems, scaling existing software stack to future computing platforms with ultra-low latency, high-bandwidth networking and non-volatile memory, and providing hardware and software solutions to dependable computing environments in both mobile and cloud platforms.

Group Information

Recent News

  • [Contest] October, 2024. Yankui's PowerSheet won PC AI 1st Place of AMD Pervasive AI Developer Contest.
  • [Publication] September, 2024. Two papers, “D-VSync: Decoupled Rendering and Displaying for Smartphone Graphics”, and “PipeLLM: Fast and Confidential Large Language Model Services with Speculative Pipelined Encryption” were accepted by ASPLOS 2025 in the summer cycle. Congratulations to Yuanpei, and Yifan.
  • [Award] September, 2024, Mo was awarded 2024 ACM ChinaSys Doctoral Dissertation Award. Congratulations to Mo.
  • [Publication] Aug, 2024. “PowerInfer: Fast Large Language Model Serving with a Consumer-grade GPU”, and “VPRI: Optimized I/O Page Fault in Public IaaS” were accepted by 30th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP 2024). Congratulations to Yixin, Haotong, and Dingji.
  • [Award] July, 2024. Binyu was awarded 2024 CCF Outstanding Education Award. Congratulations to Binyu.
  • [Publication] May, 2024. Two papers, “Harmonizing Efficiency and Practicability: Optimizing Resource Utilization in Serverless Computing with Jiagu”, and “Flexible, Secure and Efficient CVM Maintenance with Confidential Procedure Calls” were accepted by USENIX ATC 2024. Congratulations to Qingyuan, Yanning, and Jiahao.
  • [Award] Apr, 2024. Our paper “Serialization/Deserialization-free State Transfer in Serverless Workflows”, has received the Best Paper Award from the 19th ACM European Conference on Computer Systems (EuroSys 2024). Congratulations to Fangming and Zhuobin.
  • [Publication] March, 2024. Two papers, “Fast and Scalable In-network Lock Management Using Lock Fission”, and “Using Dynamically Layered Definite Releases for Verifying the RefFS File System” were accepted by OSDI 2024. Congratulations to Hanze, Ke, and Mo.
  • [Publication] February, 2024. Our paper Jade: A High-throughput Concurrent Copying Garbage Collector” was accepted by 19th ACM European Conference on Computer Systems (EuroSys 2024). Congratulations to Zhe and Hongtao.
  • [Impact] January, 2024. Haibo was elevated to ACM fellow. Congratulations to Haibo.
  • [Publication] November, 2023. Our paper “WeBridge: Synthesizing Stored Procedures for Large-Scale Real-World Web Applications” was accepted by 2024 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD 2024). Congratulations to Gansen, Chuzhe, Zhiyuan, Jiahuan, Yaosheng.
  • [Publication] November, 2023. Our paper “sIOPMP: Scalable and Efficient I/O Protection for TEEs” was accepted by ASPLOS 2024 in the summer cycle. Congratulations to Erhu.
  • [Award] October, 2023. Our paper “TreeSLS: A Tree-structured Microkernel with Efficient Whole-system Persistence on NVM”, has won the Best Paper Award from the 29th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP 2023). Congratulations to Fangnuo and Gequan.
  • [Publication] September, 2023. Two papers, “Characterization and Reclamation of Frozen Garbage in Managed FaaS Workloads”, and “Serialization/Deserialization-free State Transfer in Serverless Workflows with RDMA-based Remote Memory Map” were accepted by 19th ACM European Conference on Computer Systems (EuroSys 2024). Congratulations to Ziming, Fangming, and Zhuobin.
  • [Publication] July, 2023. Our paper “Accelerating Extra Dimensional Page Walks for Confidential Computing” was accepted by 56th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO 2023). Congratulations to Bicheng.
  • [Publication] July, 2023. Two papers, “TreeSLS: A Tree-structured Microkernel with Efficient Whole-system Persistence on NVM”, and “UGACHE: A Unified GPU Cache for Embedding-based Deep Learning Systems” were accepted by 29th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP 2023). Congratulations to Fangnuo, Gequan, Xiaoniu, and Yiwen.
  • [Publication] June, 2023. Our paper “Proving Query Equivalence Using Linear Integer Arithmetic” was accepted by 2024 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD 2024). Congratulations to Haoran, Yicun, Dexin, Zhenglin.
  • [Impact] June, 2023. Haibo was elected as Chair of ACM SIGOPS for the term 2023-2025.
  • [Impact] May, 2023. Haibo was invited to serve on the PC co-chair of 2025 ACM European Conference on Computer Systems (EuroSys 2025).
  • [Publication] April, 2023. Two papers, “Analysis and Optimization of Network I/O Tax in Confidential Virtual Machines”, and “Bridging the Gap between Relational OLTP and Graph-based OLAP” were accepted by USENIX ATC 2023. Congratulations to Dingji, Chenhui, Yifan, Sijie, Zihang, and Lin.
  • [Publication] April, 2023. Our paper “CPS: A Cooperative Para-virtualized Scheduling Framework for Manycore Machines” was accepted by ASPLOS 2024 in the spring cycle. Congratulations to Yuxuan and Tianqiang.
  • [Publication] March, 2023. Four papers (in addition to a previously accepted one) were accepted by OSDI 2023. Congratulations to folks in IPADS and thank our collaborators.
  • [Publication] March, 2023. Our paper “Fine-Grained Re-Execution for Efficient Batched Commit of Distributed Transactions” was accepted by VLDB 2023. Congratulations to Zhiyuan, Xiaodong, and Xian.
  • [Publication] March, 2023. Our paper “ISA-grid: Architecture of Fine-grained Privilege Control for Instructions and Registers.” was accepted by ISCA 2023. Congratulations to Shulin.
  • [Award] December, 2022, Haibo was awarded Tan Kah Kee Young Scientist Award. Congratulations to Haibo.
  • [Award] December, 2022, Dong was awarded 2022 ACM ChinaSys Doctoral Dissertation Award. Congratulations to Dong.
  • [Award] November, 2022, Yubin was awarded the NASAC Youth Software Innovation Award by China Computer Federation. Congratulations to Yubin.
  • [Impact] November, 2022. Binyu was elevated to CCF fellow. Congratulations to Binyu.
  • [Impact] November, 2022. Haibo was elevated to IEEE fellow. Congratulations to Haibo.
  • [Publication] October, 2022. Our paper “Efficient Distributed Secure Memory with Migratable Merkle Tree” was accepted by HPCA 2023. Congratulations to Erhu.
  • [Publication] September, 2022. Our paper “BeeHive: Sub-second Elasticity for Web Services with Semi-FaaS Execution” was accepted by ASPLOS 2023 in the summer cycle. Congratulations to Ziming and Jiawei.
  • [Publication] August, 2022. Our paper “No Provisioned Concurrency: Fast RDMA-codesigned Remote Fork for Serverless Computing” was accepted by OSDI 2023 via the Revise & Resubmit phase. Congratulations to Fangming, Tianxia, and Yuhan.
  • [Award] Jun, 2022. Our paper “CFIMon: Detecting violation of control flow integrity using performance counters” won the Test-of-Time Award in DSN 2022. Congratulations!
  • [Award] May, 2022. Our paper “Ad Hoc Transactions for Web Applications: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly” has received an Honorable Mention in ACM SIGMOD 2022. Congratulations to Chuzhe, Xiaodong, and Qianmian.
  • [Publication] April, 2022. Three papers, “KRCORE: a microsecond-scale RDMA control plane for elastic computing”, “Zero-Change Object Transmission for Distributed Big Data Analytics”, and “EPK: Scalable and Efficient Memory Protection Key” were accepted by USENIX ATC 2022. Congratulations to Fangming, Shuaiwei, Hao, and Wentai.
  • [Award] April, 2022. Our paper “GNNLab: A Factored System for Sample-based GNN Training over GPUs” received the Gilles Muller Best Artifact Award (Honorable Mention) from EuroSys 2022. Congratulations to Jianbang, Dahai, Xiaoniu and thanks to our collaborators Lei, Qiang, Wenyuan, and Jingren.
  • [Publication] March, 2022. Our paper “Microsecond-scale Preemption for Concurrent GPU-accelerated DNN Inferences” was accepted by 16th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI 2022). Congratulations to Mingcong and Hanze.
  • [Publication] March, 2022. Our paper “A Hardware-Software Co-design for Efficient Intra-Enclave Isolation” was accepted by The 31st Usenix Security Symposium (Usenix Security 2022). Congratulations to Bojun, Mingyu, and Wentai.
  • [Publication] March, 2022. Two papers, “Ad Hoc Transactions for Web Applications: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly” and “WeTune: Automatic Discovery and Verification of Query Rewrite Rules” were accepted by 2022 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD 2022). Congratulations to Chuzhe, Xiaodong, Qianmian, Zhou, Yicun, Haoran, and Ding.
  • [Publication] January, 2022. Our paper “FGNN: A Factored System for Sample-based GNN Training over GPUs” was accepted by ACM European Symposium on Systems (EuroSys 2022). Congratulations to Jianbang, Dahai and Xiaoniu.
  • [Publication] December, 2021. Our paper “Asymmetry-aware Scalable Locking” was accepted by The 27th ACM SIGPLAN Annual Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming (PPoPP 2022). Congratulations to Nian and Dahai.
  • [Publication] December, 2021. Two papers, “MT^2: Memory bandwidth Regulation on Hybrid NVM/DRAM Platforms” and “ HTMFS: Strong Consistency Comes for Free with Hardware Transactional Memory in Persistent Memory Files Systems” were accepted by The 20th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies (FAST 2022). Congratulations to Jifei, Benchao, Ruizhe, and Fangnuo.
  • [Publication] November, 2021. Our paper “Serverless Computing on Heterogeneous Computers” was accepted by The 27th ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS 2022). Congratulations to Dong, Qingyuan and Xueqiang.
  • [Award] October, 2021. Congratulations to Xingda Wei on winning the ACM SIGOPS Dennis M. Ritchie Doctoral Dissertation Award Honorable Mention! Link
  • [Publication] August, 2021. Our paper “Fast and Accurate Optimizer for Query Processing over Knowledge Graphs” was accepted by ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing (SoCC 2021). Congratulations to Jingqi.
  • [Publication] July, 2021. Our paper “TwinVisor: Hardware-isolated Confidential Virtual Machines for ARM” was accepted by 28th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP 2021). Congratulations to Dingji.
  • [Publication] April, 2021. Our paper, “Characterizing and Optimizing Remote Persistent Memory with RDMA and NVM”, was accepted by Usenix ATC 2021. Congratulations to Xingda and Xiating.
  • [Publication] March, 2021. 4 papers (out of 31 in total) were accepted by 15th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI 2021). Congratulations to folks in IPADS and thank our collaborators.
  • [Publication] March, 2021. Our paper, “PIE: Confidential Serverless Made Efficient with Plug-In Enclaves”, was accepted by The IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA). Congratulations to Mingyu.
  • [Award] February, 2021. Our textbook, “Modern Operating Systems: Principles and Implementation”, has been awarded 2020 the most favorite IT books by the publisher union organized by 51CTO, just after its publication in three months.
  • [Publication] January, 2021. Our paper “Bridging the Performance Gap for Copy-based Garbage Collectors atop Non-Volatile Memory” has been accepted by ACM European Symposium on Systems (EuroSys 2021). Congratulations to Yanfei.
  • [Award] October, 2020. Haibo was awarded with China Youth Science and Technology Award, only 100 awardees among all disciplines across China were selected to get this award biennially.
  • [Award] September, 2020. Our research achievement “Efficient Data Processing System based on New Heterogeneous Hardware” received Huawei OlympusMons Pioneer Award. Congratulations to Rong, Zhaoguo, Binyu, Xingda, and Mingkai. Link
  • [Publication] August, 2020. Our paper “Fast RDMA-based Ordered Key-Value Store using Remote Learned Cache” was accepted by 14th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI 2020). Congratulations to Xingda.
  • [Publication] August, 2020. Our paper “Characterizing Serverless Platforms with ServerlessBench” was accepted by 2020 ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing (SoCC 2020). Congratulations to Tianyi, Qingyuan and Dong.
  • [Publication] July, 2020. Our paper “Unifying Timestamp with Transaction Ordering for MVCC with Decentralized Scalar Timestamp” was accepted by 2021 USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI 2021). Congratulations to Xingda and Zhenhan.
  • [Publication] April, 2020. Two papers, “Harmonizing Performance and Isolation in Microkernels with Efficient Intra-kernel Isolation and Communication” and “Platinum: A CPU-Efficient Concurrent Garbage Collector for Tail-Reduction of Interactive Services”, were accepted by Usenix ATC 2020. Congratulations to Jinyu, Xinyue, Wentai, Nian, Zeyu, and Mingyu, Ziming, Yanfei, Haoyu.
  • [Award] April, 2020. Haibo has been presented the Presidential Award of SJTU at the 124th anniversary of SJTU. Only 8 individuals among all SJTU faculties, doctors, and staffs. Congratulations to Haibo.
  • [Publication] November, 2019. Our paper “(Mostly) Exitless VM Protection from Untrusted Hypervisor through Disaggregated Nested Virtualization” have been accepted by The 29th Usenix Security Symposium (Usenix Security 2020). Congratulations to Zeyu and Dingji.
  • [Publication] November, 2019. Two papers “No Barrier in the Road: A Comprehensive Study and Optimization of ARM Barriers” and “XIndex: A Scalable Learned Index for Multicore Data Storage” have been accepted by The 25th ACM SIGPLAN Annual Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming (PPoPP 2020). Congratulations to Nian, Chuzhe,Youyun and Gansen and thanks our collaborator Mingzhe for collaborating on the second paper.
  • [Publication] November, 2019. Our paper “Catalyzer: Sub-millisecond Startup for Serverless Computing with Initialization-less Booting” has been accepted by The 25th ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS 2020). Congratulations to Dong and Tianyi and thanks our collaborators from Ant Financial.
  • [Impact] October, 2019. Haibo was named 2019 ACM Distinguished Scientist.
  • [Publication] July, 2019. Two papers “Performance and Protection in the ZoFS User-space NVM File System” and “Using Concurrent Relational Logic with Helper for Verifying the AtomFS File System”, have been accepted by 27th ACM Symposium on Operating System Principles (SOSP 2019). Congratulations to Mingkai, Heng, Jifei and Benchao for the ZoFS paper and Mo, Haoran and Dong for the AtomFS paper. Thank also our collaborators Ming and Ronghui for help on the AtomFS paper.
  • [Publication] May, 2019. Our paper “On the parallels between Paxos and Raft” has been accepted by 38th Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC 2019). Congratulations to Zhaoguo and thanks to our collaborators Changgeng, Jinyang and Shuai.
  • [Award] April, 2019. Our paper “TEEv: Virtualizing Trusted Execution Environments on Mobile Platforms” received the Best Paper Award from VEE 2019.
  • [Publication] March, 2019. Our paper “XPC: Architectural Support for Secure and Efficient Cross Process Call” has been accepted by The 46th International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA 2019). Congratulations to Dong and Zhichao.
  • [Impact] March, 2019. Haibo Chen was invited to join the Editorial Board of «Communications of the ACM» and serves as the Co-chair of the Special Sections.
  • [Publication] February, 2019. Two papers, “ScissorGC: Scalable and Efficient Compaction for Java Full Garbage Collection” and “TEEv: Virtualizing Trusted Execution Environments on Mobile Platforms” were accepted by ACM Conference on Virtual Execution Environments (VEE 2019). Congratulations to Haoyu, Mingyu and Wenhao.
  • [Publication] December, 2018. Our paper “SkyBridge: Fast and Secure Inter-Process Communication for Microkernels” was accepted by the 14th European Conference on Computer Systems (EuroSys 2019). Congratulations to Zeyu, Dingji, Zihan, and Xinran.
  • [Award] September, 2018. Congratulations to Xingda Wei on winning the 2018 Microsoft Research Asia Fellowship Award! Only 11 Ph.D students got this prestigious fellows among 102 distinguished Ph.D. candidates from 40 leading research universities/institutions.
  • [Award] August, 2018. Our paper “Analysis and Optimization of Java Full Garbage Collection” received the Best Paper Award Nominee from ACM APSys 2018. Congratulations to Haoyu and Mingyu.
  • [Publication] July, 2018. Our paper “Deconstructing RDMA-enabled Transaction Processing: Hybrid is Better!” was accepted by the 13th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI 2018). Congratulations to Xingda and Zhiyuan.
  • [Publication] April, 2018. Two papers of us were accepted by 2018 USENIX Annual Technical Conference (USENIX ATC 2018). Congratulations to Zhichao, Dong, Siyuan, and Chang.
  • [Publication] February, 2018, our paper “VButton: Practical Attestation of User-driven Operations in Mobile Apps” was accepted by the 16th Annual International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services (MobiSys 2018). Congratulations to Wenhao and Shiyu.
  • [Publication] November, 2017, our paper “Espresso: Brewing Java For More Non-Volatility With Non-Volatile Memory” was accepted by The 23rd ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS 2018). Congratulations to Mingyu, Ziming, Haoyu and Heting.
  • [Award] November, 2017, Haibo was awarded the NASAC-Neusoft Software Innovation Award by China Computer Federation.
  • [Publication] October, 2017, our paper “Comprehensive VM Protection against Untrusted Hypervisor through Retrofitted AMD Memory Encryption” was accepted by 2018 IEEE Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA). Congratulations to Yuming, Yutao and Ruifeng.
  • [Award] September, 2017, our paper “ Extracting More Intra-transaction Parallelism with Work Stealing for OLTP Workloads” received the Best Paper Award from ACM APSys 2017. Congratulations to Xiaozhou and thanks to our collaborators Zhaoguo and Jinyang.
  • [Publication] August, 2017, our paper “Sub-millisecond Stateful Stream Querying over Fast-evolving Linked Data” was accepted by 2017 ACM Symposium on Operating System Principles (SOSP). Congratulations to Yunhao.
  • [Impact] June, 2017, Haibo was invited to join the ACM SIGSAC Award Committee* with other 8 international experts to select the Outstanding Innovation Award and Outstanding Contributions Award of ACM SIGSAC.
  • [Publication] May, 2017, our paper “vTZ: Virtualizing ARM TrustZone” has been accepted by 2017 Usenix Security Symposium (Usenix Security). Congratulations to Zhichao and Jinyu.
  • [Publication] April, 2017, our paper “Fast In-memory Transaction Processing using RDMA and HTM” was accepted by ACM Transactions on Computer Systems (TOCS). This is the first all Chinese authors paper in TOCS.
  • [Publication] April, 2017, two papers were accepted by Usenix Annual Technical Conference (Usenix ATC 2017). Congratulations to Mingkai, Xingda and Sijie.
  • [Publication] February, 2017, our paper “Secure Live Migration of SGX Enclaves on Untrusted Cloud” was accepted by the 47th IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN 2017). Congratulations to Jinyu and Zhichao.
  • [Publication] October, 2016, our paper “Deconstructing Xen” was accepted by The Network and Distributed System Security Symposium 2017 (NDSS 2017). Congratulations to Lei and Yuming and thanks to our collaborator Nathan.
  • [Publication] October, 2016, our paper “Transparent and Efficient CFI Enforcement with Intel Processor Trace” was accepted by 23rd IEEE Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA 2017). Congratulations to Yutao, Peitao and Xinran.
  • [Award] September, 2016, congratulations to Wenhao Li on winning the 2016 Microsoft Research Asia Fellowship Award! Only 10 Ph.D students got this prestigious fellows among 110 distinguished Ph.D. candidates from 40 leading research universities/institutions.
  • [Publication] July, 2016, our paper “Fast and Concurrent RDF Queries with RDMA-based Distributed Graph Exploration” was accepted by 2016 Usenix Symposium on Operating System Design and Implementation (OSDI 2016). Congratulations to Jiaxin and Youyang and thanks to our collaborator Feifei.
  • [Impact] June, 2016, Haibo was invited to join the Award Committee of CCF/IEEE CS Young Computer Scientist Award with other 5 international experts to select the awardees.
  • [Publication] July, 2016, our paper “A Case for Virtualizing Persistent Memory” was accepted by 2016 ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing (ACM SoCC 2016). Congratulations to Liang and Rong.
  • [Publication] January, 2016, our paper “Performance Analysis and Optimization of Full Garbage Collection in Memory-hungry Environments” was accepted by 12th ACM SIGPLAN/SIGOPS International Conference on Virtual Execution Environments (VEE 2016). The patch has already been integrated into OpenJDK as a major enhancement of functionality. Congratulations to Yang and Tianyang.
  • [Award] January, 2016, Haibo was named as “The Young Computer Scientist Award” by China Computer Federation.
  • [Publication] January, 2016, our paper “Fast and General Distributed Transactions Using RDMA and HTM” was accepted by 11th ACM European Conference on Computer Systems (EuroSys 2016). Congratulations to Yanzhe, Xingda and Jiaxin.
  • [Publication] December, 2015, two papers were accepted by USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies (FAST '16), only 27 papers accepted in total. Congratulations to Heng, Mingkai, Qingshu and Liang.
  • [Award] November, 2015, our paper, “A Decoupled Storage Model for Java Objects” won the Best Student Paper Award from NASAC 2015. Congratulations to Tianyang.
  • [Award] August, 2015, Haibo was selected into the “National Youth Top-notch Talent Support Program of China” (only 7 awardees across all disciplines in SJTU)
  • [Impact] August, 2015, Haibo was elected as the Steering Committee Co-Chair of ACM APSys (with Prof. Lorenzo Alvisi).
  • [Publication] July, 2015, our paper on using hypervisor-enforced intra-domain isolation was accepted by 2015 ACM Conference on Computer and Communication Security. Congratulations to Yutao, Tianyu and Kexin.
  • [Award] July, 2015, Haibo was named a Distinguished Member of China Computer Federation.
  • [Award] June, 2015, Xingda Wei won the Outstanding Undergraduate Thesis Award of Shanghai Jiao Tong University.
  • [Publication] June, 2015, one paper on scalable in-memory transaction processing using RTM and RDMA was accepted by 2015 ACM Symposium on Operating System Principles. Well done, IPADSers!
  • [Publication] May, 2015, one paper on mobile IME security accepted by Usenix Security Symposium 2015.
  • [Award] April, 2015, our paper “PowerLyra: Differentiated Graph Computation and Partitioning on Skewed Graphs” won the Best Paper Award from EuroSys 2015.
  • [Publication] March, 2015, our paper “Reducing World Switches in Virtualized Environment with Flexible Cross-world Calls” was accepted by ISCA'15. Congratulations to Wenhao Li!
  • [Publication] February, 2015, our paper “AdAttester: Secure Online Advertisement Attestation on Mobile Devices Using TrustZone” was accepted by MobiSys 2015 (29 accepted out of 219), Congratulations to Wenhao Li and Haibo Li.
  • [Award] January, 2015, Haibo got the faculty award from Microsoft Research Asia. Thanks a lot to MSRA's generosity.
  • [Publication] January, 2015, two papers were accepted by EuroSys 2015 (32 accepted in total), Congratulations to Rong and Yubin.
  • [Publication] November, 2014, two papers were accepted by PPoPP 2015 (23 accepted in total), Congratulations to Chenning and Kaiyuan.
  • [Award] September, 2014, Yutao was selected to the Microsoft Research Asia Ph.D Fellowship Program, as one of 12 awardees across Asia.
  • [Award] July, 2014, Haibo was named as a Distinguished Speaker for China Computer Federation.
  • [Publication] May, 2014, our paper “Scalable Read-mostly Synchronization Using Passive Reader-Writer Locks” was accepted by Usenix ATC 2014. Congratulations to Ran and Heng.
  • [Award] June, 2014, Jiaxin Shi won the Outstanding Undergraduate Thesis Award of Shanghai Jiao Tong University.
  • [Publication] March, 2014, our paper “Computation and Communication Efficient Graph Processing with Distributed Immutable View” was accepted by HPDC 2014.
  • [Publication] February, 2014, our paper “Replication-based Fault-tolerance for Large-scale Graph Processing” was accepted by DSN 2014.Congratulations to Peng and Kaiyuan.
  • [Award], February, 2014, our paper “Concurrent and Consistent Virtual Machine Introspection with Hardware Transactional Memory” received the “Best Paper Nominee” of HPCA'14.
  • [Publication] January, 2014, our paper on using RTM to build database was accepted by EuroSys 2014. Congratulations to Zhaoguo and Hao.
  • [Publication] November, 2013, our paper was accepted by HPCA 2014, Congratulations to Yutao.
  • [Contest] November, 2013, our contest program submission “Point-Polygon Topological Relationship Query Using Hierarchical Indices” won the Champion (1/29) of ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS CUP 2013. Congs to Tianyu and Heng.
  • [Award] July, 2013, Our paper, “Schedule Processing, not VCPUs” won the Best Paper Award of ACM APSys 2013, Congs to Xiang, Jicheng.
  • [Award] June, 2013, Heng Zhang won the Outstanding Undergraduate Thesis Award of Shanghai Jiao Tong University.
  • [Award] June, 2013, our visiting student, Mingzhe Zhang won Outstanding Undergraduate Thesis Award of Fudan University.
  • [Publication] June 2013, two papers were accepted by ACM APSys 2013.
  • [Publication] March, 2013, our paper “Tiled-MapReduce: Efficient and Flexible MapReduce Processing on Multicore with Tiling” was published by ACM Transaction on Architecture and Code Optimization.
  • [Publication] February, 2013, our paper “Parallelizing Live Migration of Virtual Machines” was accepted by VEE 2013.
  • [Publication] November, 2012, our paper “Architecture Support for Guest-Transparent VM Protection from Untrusted Hypervisor and Physical Attacks” was accepted by HPCA 2013. Congs to Yubin Xia and Yutao Liu.
  • [Publication] November, 2012, our paper “Scalable Deterministic Replay in a Parallel Full-system Emulator” was accepted by PPoPP 2013. Congs to Yufei Chen.
  • [Award] July, 2012 Haibo Chen received the 2012 Google Research Award, thanks for the generosity of Google Inc.
  • [Award] Feburary, 2012 Haibo Chen was awarded with NetApp Faculty Fellowship, thanks for the generosity of NetApp Inc.
  • [Award] January, 2012, our former member Fengzhe Zhang was awarded the Outstanding Ph.D Thesis Award from China Computer Federation.
  • [Award] November 2011, Haibo Chen was awarded a “Distinguished Ph.D Thesis Award from China Ministry of Education”. This award gives only one or two Ph.Ds each year among all disciplines of computer science in China.
  • [Publication] June, 2011, our Paper “CloudVisor: Retrofitting Protection of Virtual Machines in Multi-tenant Cloud with Nested Virtualization” has been accepted by 23rd ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP 2011).
  • [Publication] January, 2011, our Paper “A Case for Scaling Applications to Many-core Platforms with OS Clustering”, has been accepted by 2011 European Conference on Computer Systems (Eurosys 2011).
  • [Publication] October, 2010, our Paper “COREMU: a Scalable and Portable Parallel Full-system Emulator”, has been accepted by 16th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming (PPoPP 2011).
  • [Software] July 2010, COREMU, a scalable and portable full-system emulator developed by our team, has been released to public. Refer to coremu page for further information.
  • [Publication] May 2010, Our paper “Tiled MapReduce: Optimizing Resource Usages of Data-parallel Applications on Multicore with Tiling” has been accepted by the Nineteenth International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (PACT 2010)
  • [Award] January, 2010, Haibo won the “Outstanding Ph.D Award from China Computer Federation”.
start.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/12 23:03 by realstolz