======= Rong's Publications ======= [[https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=kcGU8aoAAAAJ|Google Scholar]] | [[https://dblp.uni-trier.de/pers/hd/c/Chen_0001:Rong|DBLP]] | [[https://csrankings.org/#/fromyear/2000/toyear/2024/index?ops&world|CSRankings]] | [[https://nebelwelt.net/pubstats/top-authors-sys_os.html|Systems Circus]] | [[http://www.cs.utexas.edu/~vijay/hall.html|SOSP/OSDI Hall of Fame]] ---- === { * } means corresponding author === ====== Conference ====== OSDI(10): 2024 | 2023x3 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2018 | 2016 | 2008 SOSP(3): 2023 | 2017 | 2015 EuroSys(6): 2024 (BEST) | 2022 | 2021 | 2016 | 2015 (BEST) | 2011 UsenixATC(6): 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 Others(4): NSDI(2021) | VLDB(2024) | PPoPP(2015x2) ===== 2024 ===== * [**OSDI**] __Fast and Scalable In-network Lock Management Using Lock Fission__. Hanze Zhang, Ke Cheng, **Rong Chen***, and Haibo Chen. The 18th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation, Santa Clara, CA, US, July 2024. * [**VLDB 2024**] __XGNN: Boosting Multi-GPU GNN Training via Global GNN Memory Store__. Dahai Tang, Jiali Wang, **Rong Chen***, Lei Wang, Wenyuan Yu, Jingren Zhou, and Kenli Li. The 50th International Conference on Very Large Databases, Guangzhou, China, August 2024. [[https://www.vldb.org/pvldb/vol17/p1105-chen.pdf|paper]] * [**EuroSys 2024**] __Serialization/Deserialization-free State Transfer in Serverless Workflows__. Fangming Lu, Xingda Wei, Zhuobin Huang, **Rong Chen**, Mingyu Wu, and Haibo Chen. The 19th ACM SIGOPS European Conference on Computer Systems, Athens, Greece, April 2024. {{:publications:rmmap-eurosys24.pdf|paper}} [[https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/3627703.3629568|ACM DL]] | [[https://github.com/ProjectMitosisOS/dmerge-eurosys24-ae|github]] \\ :!: **Best Paper Awared** ===== 2023 ===== * [**SOSP**] __UGACHE: A Unified GPU Cache for Embedding-based Deep Learning Systems__. Xiaoniu Song, Yiwen Zhang, **Rong Chen***, and Haibo Chen. The 29th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles, Koblenz, Germany, October 2023. {{:publications:ugache-sosp23.pdf|paper}} | [[https://github.com/SJTU-IPADS/ugache-artifacts|AE]] | [[https://github.com/SJTU-IPADS/ugache|github]] | [[https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/3600006.3613169?cid=81323488576|ACM DL]] \\ **Awarded with ACM Badges v1.1**: Artifact Available, Artifact Functional, Results Reproduced. [[https://sysartifacts.github.io/sosp2023/results|link]] * [**ICPP 2023**] __DArray: A High Performance RDMA-Based Distributed Array__. Baorong Ding, Mingcong Han, and **Rong Chen***. The 52th International Conference on Parallel Processing, Salt Lake City, UT, US, August 2023. [[https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3605573.3605608?cid=81323488576|ACM DL]] * [**OSDI 2023**] __No Provisioned Concurrency: Fast RDMA-codesigned Remote Fork for Serverless Computing__. Xingda Wei, Fangming Lu, Tianxia Wang, Jinyu Gu, Yuhan Yang, **Rong Chen***, and Haibo Chen. The 17th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation, Boston, MA, US, July 2023. {{:publications:mitosis-osdi23.pdf|paper}} | [[https://github.com/ProjectMitosisOS|MitosisOS]] * [**OSDI 2023**] __Characterizing Off-path SmartNIC for Accelerating Distributed Systems__. Xingda Wei, Rongxin Cheng, Yuhan Yang, **Rong Chen***, and Haibo Chen. The 17th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation, Boston, MA, US, July 2023. {{:publications:dpuadv-osdi23.pdf|paper}} | [[https://github.com/smartnickit-project/smartnic-bench|Smartbench]] * [**OSDI 2023**] __Automated Verification of Idempotence for Stateful Serverless Applications__. Haoran Ding, Zhaoguo Wang, Zhuohao Shen, **Rong Chen**, and Haibo Chen. The 17th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation, Boston, MA, US, July 2023. {{:publications:flux-osdi23.pdf|paper}} * [**USENIX ATC 2023**] __Bridging the Gap between Relational OLTP and Graph-based OLAP__. Sijie Shen, Zihang Yao, Lin Shi, Lei Wang, Longbin Lai, Qian Tao, Li Su, **Rong Chen***, Wenyuan Yu, Haibo Chen, Binyu Zang, and Jingren Zhou. 2023 USENIX Annual Technical Conference, Boston, MA, US, July 2023. {{:publications:gart-atc23.pdf|paper}} | [[https://www.usenix.org/system/files/atc23_slides_shen.pdf|slides]] | [[https://www.usenix.org/conference/atc23/presentation/shen|talk]] | [[https://github.com/SJTU-IPADS/vegito/tree/gart|github]] \\ **Awarded with USENIX Badges**: Artifacts Available ===== 2022 ===== * [**HPCC 2022**] __FNotify: A Low-Latency and Scalable Publish/Subscribe System Using RDMA__. Yusen Xu, Sijie Shen, Mingcong Han, and **Rong Chen***. 2022 IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications, Chengdu, China. December 2022. * [**USENIX ATC 2022**] __KRCORE: a microsecond-scale RDMA control plane for elastic computing__. Xingda Wei, Fangming Lu, **Rong Chen***, and Haibo Chen. 2022 USENIX Annual Technical Conference, Carlsbad, CA, US. July 2022. {{:publications:krcore-atc22.pdf|paper}} | [[https://github.com/SJTU-IPADS/krcore-artifacts|AE]] | [[https://github.com/SJTU-IPADS/krcore-artifacts|github]] \\ **Awarded with USENIX Badges**: Artifacts Available, Artifacts Functional, Results Reproduced. * [**OSDI 2022**] __Microsecond-scale Preemption for Concurrent GPU-accelerated DNN Inferences__. Mingcong Han, Hanze Zhang, **Rong Chen***, and Haibo Chen. The 16th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation, Carlsbad, CA, US, July 2022. {{:publications:reef-osdi22.pdf|paper}} | [[https://github.com/SJTU-IPADS/reef-artifacts|AE]] | [[https://github.com/SJTU-IPADS/reef|github]] | [[https://github.com/SJTU-IPADS/disb|DISB]] \\ **Awarded with USENIX Badges**: Artifacts Available, Artifacts Functional, Results Reproduced. * [**EuroSys 2022**] __GNNLab: A Factored System for Sample-based GNN Training over GPUs__. Jianbang Yang, Dahai Tang, Xiaoniu Song, Lei Wang, Qiang Yin, **Rong Chen***, Wenyuan Yu, and Jingren Zhou. The 17th ACM SIGOPS European Conference on Computer Systems, Rennes, France, April 2022. {{:publications:gnnlab-eurosys22.pdf|paper}} | [[https://github.com/SJTU-IPADS/fgnn-artifacts|AE]] | [[https://github.com/SJTU-IPADS/gnnlab|github]] | [[https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3492321.3519557?cid=81323488576|ACM DL]] \\ **Awarded with ACM Badges v1.1**: Artifact Available, Artifact Functional, Results Reproduced. [[https://sysartifacts.github.io/eurosys2022/awards|link]] \\ :!: **Best Artifact Award (Honorable Mention)** {{:publications:gnnlab-award.pdf|award}}|[[https://sysartifacts.github.io/eurosys2022/awards|link]] ===== 2021 ===== * [**ACM SOCC 2021**] __Fast and Accurate Optimizer for Query Processing over Knowledge Graphs__. Jingqi Wu, **Rong Chen***, and Yubin Xia. The 12th ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing, Seattle, WA, US, November 2021. [{{:publications:gpl-socc21.pdf|paper}}] * [**USENIX ATC 2021**] __Characterizing and Optimizing Remote Persistent Memory with RDMA and NVM__. Xingda Wei, Xiating Xie, **Rong Chen***, Haibo Chen, and Binyu Zang. 2021 USENIX Annual Technical Conference, Santa Clara, CA, USJuly 2021. {{:publications:rdpma-atc21.pdf|paper}} [[https://www.usenix.org/conference/atc21/presentation/wei|talk]] [[https://github.com/SJTU-IPADS/librdpma|github]] * [**OSDI 2021**] __Retrofitting High Availability Mechanism to Tame Hybrid Transaction/Analytical Processing__. Sijie Shen, **Rong Chen***, Haibo Chen, and Binyu Zang. The 15th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation, Santa Clara, CA, US, July 2021. {{:publications:vegito-osdi21.pdf|paper}} [[https://www.usenix.org/conference/osdi21/presentation/shen|talk]] [[https://github.com/SJTU-IPADS/vegito|github]] * [**EuroSys 2021**] __FlexGraph: A flexible and efficient distributed framework for GNN training__. Lei Wang, Qiang Yin, Chao Tian, Jianbang Yang, **Rong Chen***, Wenyuan Yu, Zihang Yao, and Jingren Zhou. The 16th ACM SIGOPS European Conference on Computer Systems, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, April 2021. {{:publications:flexgraph-eurosys21.pdf|paper}} {{:talk:eurosys21-wang.pptx|slides}} [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A2Wx-7bu3lc&list=PLzDuHU-z7gNjuSbEYCFXZtWAl3nAdNF2f&index=13|long talk]] [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WHZYbEVV6c0&list=PLzDuHU-z7gNghxOWGcdLK_xWtqHjxaYTm&index=13|short talk]] * [**NSDI 2021**] __Unifying Timestamp with Transaction Ordering for MVCC with Decentralized Scalar Timestamp__. Xingda Wei, **Rong Chen***, Haibo Chen, Zhaoguo Wang, Zhenhan Gong, and Binyu Zang. The 18th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation, Boston, MA, US, April 2021. {{:publications:dst-nsdi21.pdf|paper}} [[https://www.usenix.org/conference/nsdi21/presentation/wei|talk]] [[https://github.com/SJTU-IPADS/dst|github]] ===== 2020 ===== * [**OSDI 2020**] __Fast RDMA-based Ordered Key-Value Store using Remote Learned Cache__. Xingda Wei, **Rong Chen***, and Haibo Chen. The 14th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation, Banff, Alberta, Canada, November 2020. {{:publications:xstore-osdi20.pdf|paper}} [[https://www.usenix.org/conference/osdi20/presentation/wei|talk]] [[https://github.com/SJTU-IPADS/xstore|github]] ===== 2019 ===== * [**USENIX ATC 2019**] __Pragh: Locality-preserving Graph Traversal with Split Live Migration__. Xiating Xie, Xingda Wei, **Rong Chen***, and Haibo Chen. The 2019 USENIX Annual Technical Conference, Renton, WA, US, July 2019. {{:publications:wukong+m-atc19.pdf|paper}} [[https://www.usenix.org/conference/atc19/presentation/xie|talk]] ===== 2018 ===== * [**OSDI 2018**] __Deconstructing RDMA-enabled Transaction Processing: Hybrid is Better__! Xingda Wei, Zhiyuan Dong, **Rong Chen***, and Haibo Chen. The 13th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation, Carlsbad, CA, US, October 2018. {{:publications:drtm+h-osdi18.pdf|paper}} {{:talk:osdi18-slides-wei.pdf|slides}} [[https://2459d6dc103cb5933875-c0245c5c937c5dedcca3f1764ecc9b2f.ssl.cf2.rackcdn.com/osdi18/wei.mp3|talk]] [[https://github.com/SJTU-IPADS/drtmh|github]] * [**APSys 2018**] __Analysis and Improvement of Optimizer for Query Processing on Graph Store__. Youyang Yao, Jiaqi Li and **Rong Chen***. The 9th ACM SIGOPS Asia-Pacific Workshop on Systems, Jeju Island, South Korea. August 2018. {{:publications:wukong+o-apsys18.pdf|paper}} * [**USENIX ATC 2018**] __Fast and Concurrent RDF Queries using RDMA-assisted GPU Graph Exploration__. Siyuan Wang, Chang Lou, **Rong Chen***, and Haibo Chen. The 2018 USENIX Annual Technical Conference, Boston, MA, US, July 2018. {{:publications:wukong+g-atc18.pdf|paper}} {{:publications:wukong+g-atc18-slides.pptx|slides}} ===== 2017 ===== * [**SOSP 2017**] __Sub-millisecond Stateful Stream Querying over Fast-evolving Linked Data__. Yunhao Zhang, **Rong Chen***, and Haibo Chen. The 26th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles, Shanghai, China, October 2017. {{:publications:wukong-s-sosp17.pdf|updated paper}} {{:publications:wukong_s-sosp17posters.pdf|poster}} {{:publications:wukong_s-sosp17-slides.pptx|slides}} [[http://dl.acm.org/authorize?N48222|ACM DL]] * [**APSys 2017**] __Extracting More Intra-transaction Parallelism with Work Stealing for OLTP Workloads__. Xiaozhou Zhou, Zhaoguo Wang, **Rong Chen**, Haibo Chen, Jinyang Li. The 8th ACM SIGOPS Asia-Pacific Workshop on Systems, Mumbai, India, September 2017. {{:publications:zhou_apsys17.pdf|paper}} \\ **:!: Best Paper Award** * [**USENIX ATC 2017**] __Replication-driven Live Reconfiguration for Fast Distributed Transaction Processing__. Xingda Wei, Sijie Shen, **Rong Chen***, and Haibo Chen. The 2017 USENIX Annual Technical Conference, Santa Clara, CA, US, July 2017. {{:publications:drtm3-atc17.pdf|paper}} ===== 2016 ===== * [**OSDI 2016**] __Fast and Concurrent RDF Queries with RDMA-based Distributed Graph Exploration__. Jiaxin Shi, Youyang Yao, **Rong Chen***, Haibo Chen, and Feifei Li. The 12th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation, Savannah, GA, US, November 2016. {{:publications:wukong-osdi16.pdf|paper}} {{:publications:wukong-osdi16-slides.pptx|slides}} {{:publications:wukong-osdi16-poster.pdf|poster}} [[http://ipads.se.sjtu.edu.cn/projects/wukong|homepage]] [[https://github.com/SJTU-IPADS/wukong|github]] * [**EuroSys 2016**] __Fast and General Distributed Transactions Using RDMA and HTM__. Yanzhe Chen, Xingda Wei, Jiaxin Shi, **Rong Chen*** and Haibo Chen. The 11th ACM European Conference on Computer Systems, London, UK, April 2016. {{:publications:drtm2-eurosys16.pdf|pdf}} ===== 2015 ===== * [**SOSP 2015**] __Fast In-memory Transaction Processing using RDMA and HTM__. Xingda Wei, Jiaxin Shi, Yanzhe Chen, **Rong Chen*** and Haibo Chen. The 25th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles, Monterey, CA, USA, October 2015. {{:publications:drtm-sosp15.pdf|pdf}} {{:publications:drtm-sosp15-slides.pptx|slides}} [[http://dl.acm.org/authorize?N07024|ACM DL]] * [**EuroSys 2015**] __PowerLyra: Differentiated Graph Computation and Partitioning on Skewed Graphs__. **Rong Chen**, Jiaxin Shi, Yanzhe Chen and Haibo Chen. The 10th ACM SIGOPS European Conference on Computer Systems, Bordeaux, France, April 2015. {{:publications:powerlyra-eurosys15.pdf|pdf}} {{:publications:powerlyra-eurosys15-slides.pptx|slides}} [[http://dl.acm.org/authorize?N90532|ACM DL]] \\ :!: **Best Paper Award** * [**PPoPP 2015**] __NUMA-aware Graph-structured Analytics__. Kaiyuan Zhang, **Rong Chen*** and Haibo Chen. The 20th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming. Bay Area, CA, USA, February 2015. {{:publications:polymer-ppopp15.pdf|pdf}} {{:publications:polymer-ppopp15-slides.pdf|slides}} [[http://dl.acm.org/authorize?N90534|ACM DL]] \\ Polymer2 ranked #1 among all CPU machines in Green Graph 500 ([[https://graph500.org/?page_id=1077|June 2022 GREEN]]). * [**PPoPP 2015**] __SYNC or ASYNC: Time to Fuse for Distributed Graph-parallel Computation__. Chenning Xie, **Rong Chen***, Haibing Guan, Binyu Zang and Haibo Chen. The 20th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming, Bay Area, CA, USA, February 2015. {{:publications:powerswitch-ppopp15.pdf|pdf}} {{:publications:powerswitch-apsys14-poster.pdf|poster}} {{:publications:powerswitch-ppopp15-slides.pptx|slides}} [[http://dl.acm.org/authorize?N90533|ACM DL]] ===== 2014 ===== * [**SIGSPATIAL CUP 2014**] __Greedy Map Generalization by Iterative Point Removal__. Yanzhe Chen, Yin Wang, **Rong Chen***, Haibo Chen and Binyu Zang. The 22nd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, Dallas, TX, USA, November 2014. {{:publications:sigspatialcup14.pdf|pdf}} [[http://dl.acm.org/authorize?N90545|ACM DL]] * [**DSN 2014**] __Replication-based Fault-tolerance for Large-scale Graph Processing__. Peng Wang, Kaiyuan Zhang, **Rong Chen***, Haibo Chen and Haibing Guan. The 44th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks, Atlanta, GA, USA, June 2014. {{:publications:imitator-dsn14.pdf|pdf}} {{:publications:imitator-dsn14-slides.pptx|slides}} * [**HPDC 2014**] __Computation and Communication Efficient Graph Processing with Distributed Immutable View__. **Rong Chen**, Xin Ding, Peng Wang, Haibo Chen, Binyu Zang and Haibing Guan. The 23rd ACM International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing, Vancouver, Canada, June 2014. {{:publications:cyclops-hpdc14.pdf|pdf}} {{:publications:cyclops-hpdc14-slides.pptx|slides}} [[http://dl.acm.org/authorize?N90547|ACM DL]] * [**APSys 2014**] __Bipartite-oriented Distributed Graph Partitioning for Big Learning__. **Rong Chen**, Jiaxin Shi, Binyu Zang and Haibing Guan. The 5th ACM Asia-Pacific Workshop on Systems. Beijing, China, June 2014. {{:publications:bigraph-apsys14.pdf|pdf}} {{:publications:bigraph-poster-apsys14.pdf|poster}} {{:publications:bigraph-apsys14-slides.pptx|slides}} [[http://dl.acm.org/authorize?N90546|ACM DL]] ===== Prior ===== * [**EuroSys 2011**] __A Case for Scaling Applications to Many-core with OS Clustering__. Xiang Song, Haibo Chen, **Rong Chen**, Yuanxuan Wang and Binyu Zang. The 6th ACM SIGOPS European Conference on Computer Systems, Salzburg, Austria, April 2011. {{:publications:cerberus-eurosys11.pdf|pdf}} [[http://dl.acm.org/authorize?N90549|ACM DL]] * [**PACT 2010**] __Tiled MapReduce: Optimizing Resource Usages of Data-parallel Applications on Multicore with Tiling__. **Rong Chen**, Haibo Chen and Binyu Zang. The 19th International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques, Vienna, Austria, September 2010. {{:publications:ostrich-pact10.pdf|pdf}} {{:publications:ostrich-pact10-chen-slides.pdf|slides}} [[http://dl.acm.org/authorize?N90540|ACM DL]] * [**OSDI 2008**] __Corey: An Operating System for Many Cores__. Silas Boyd-Wickizer, Haibo Chen, **Rong Chen**, Yandong Mao, Frans Kaashoek, Robert Morris, Aleksey Pesterev, Lex Stein, Ming Wu, Yuehua Dai, Yang Zhang and Zheng Zhang. The 8th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation, San Diego, CA, December 2008. {{:publications:corey-osdi08.pdf|pdf}} [[https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1855741.1855745?cid=81323488576|ACM DL]] * [**ICPP 2007**] __Mercury: Combining Performance with Dependability Using Self-virtualization__. Haibo Chen, **Rong Chen**, Fengzhe Zhang, Binyu Zang and Pen-chung Yew. The 36th International Conference on Parallel Processing, XiAn, China, September 2007. {{:publications:chen-mercury.pdf|pdf}} [[https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1304605.1306023?cid=81323488576|ACM DL]] \\ **:!: Best Paper Award** * [**ICSE 2007**] __POLUS: A POwerful Live Updating System__. Haibo Chen, Jie Yu, **Rong Chen**, Binyu Zang and Pen-chung Yew. The 29th International Conference on Software Engineering, pp. 271-281. Minneapolis, MN, USA, May 2007. {{:publications:chen-polus.pdf|pdf}} [[https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1248820.1248860?cid=81323488576|ACM DL]] * [**VEE 2006**] __Live Updating Operating Systems Using Virtualization__. Haibo Chen, **Rong Chen**, Fengzhe Zhang, Binyu Zang and Pen-chung Yew. The 2nd ACM SIGPLAN/SIGOPS International Conference on Virtual Execution Environments, pp. 35-44. Ottawa, Canada, June 2006. {{:publications:fp04-chen.pdf|pdf}} [[http://dl.acm.org/authorize?N90541|ACM DL]] ====== Journal ====== * [**IEEE TPDS 2022**] __DrTM+B: Replication-driven Live Reconfiguration for Fast and General Distributed Transaction Processing__. Sijie Shen, Xingda Wei, **Rong Chen***, Haibo Chen, and Binyu Zang. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 33(10), pp. 2628-2643, October 2022. [[https://doi.org/10.1109/TPDS.2022.3148251|paper]] * [**IEEE TPDS 2022**] __Wukong+G: Fast and Concurrent RDF Query Processing Using RDMA-assisted GPU Graph Exploration__. Zihang Yao, **Rong Chen***, Binyu Zang, and Haibo Chen. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 33(7), pp. 1619-1635, July 2022. [[https://doi.org/10.1109/TPDS.2021.3121568|paper]] * [**ACM TOS 2021**] __XStore: A Fast RDMA-based Ordered Key-Value Store with Remote Learned Cache__. Xingda Wei, **Rong Chen***, Haibo Chen, and Binyu Zang. ACM Transactions on Storage, 17(3), Article No. 18, August 2021. [[https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3468520|paper]] * [**ACM SIGOPS OSR 2021**] __Wukong: A Distributed Framework for Fast and Concurrent Graph Querying__. **Rong Chen** and Haibo Chen. ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review, 55(1), pp. 77-83, July 2021. [[https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3469379.3469388|paper]] * [**ACM TOPC 2019**] __PowerLyra: Differentiated Graph Computation and Partitioning on Skewed Graphs__. **Rong Chen**, Jiaxin Shi, Yanzhe Chen, and Haibo Chen. ACM Transactions on Parallel Computing, 5(3), Article No. 13, January 2019. [[https://dl.acm.org/authorize?N677277|paper]] * [**IEEE TPDS 2018**] __Replication-Based Fault-Tolerance for Large-Scale Graph Processing__. **Rong Chen**, Youyang Yao, Peng Wang, Kaiyuan Zhang, Zhaoguo Wang, Haibing Guan, Binyu Zang, and Haibo Chen. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 29(7), pp. 1621-1635, July 2018. [[https://doi.org/10.1109/TPDS.2017.2703904|paper]] * [**ACM TOCS 2017**] __Fast in-memory transaction processing using RDMA and HTM__. Haibo Chen, **Rong Chen***, Xingda Wei, Jiaxin Shi, Yanzhe Chen, Zhaoguo Wang, Binyu Zang, and Haibing Guan. ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, 35(1), Article No. 3, July 2017. [[http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=3092701|paper]] * [**JCST 2015**] __Bipartite-oriented Distributed Graph Partitioning for Big Learning__. **Rong Chen**, Jiaxin Shi, Haibo Chen, and Binyu Zang. Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 30(1), pp. 20-29, January 2015. {{:publications:bigraph-jcst.pdf|pdf}} * [**ACM TACO 2013**] __Tiled MapReduce: Efficient and Flexible MapReduce Processing on Multicore with Tiling__. **Rong Chen**, and Haibo Chen. ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization, 10(1), Article No.3, April 2013. [[http://dl.acm.org/authorize?N90548|paper]] * [**JCST 2012**] __Mercury: Combining Performance with Dependability Using Self-Virtualization__. Haibo Chen, Fengzhe Zhang, **Rong Chen**, Binyu Zang, and Pen-chung Yew. Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 27(1), pp. 92-104, January 2012 {{:publications:mercury-jcst.pdf|pdf}} ====== 中文 ====== * [**软件学报**] __基于图结构索引的分布式OLAP加速方法__. 沈斯杰, **陈榕***,陈海波,臧斌宇. 软件学报, 2023, 34(10): 4661--4680. [[http://www.jos.org.cn/jos/article/abstract/6665|论文]] * [**软件学报**] __基于NVM和HTM的低时延事务处理__. 魏星达,陆放明,**陈榕***,陈海波,臧斌宇. 软件学报, 2022, 33(3): 849--866. [[http://www.jos.org.cn/1000-9825/6444.htm|论文]] \\ __Reducing Transaction Processing Latency in Hardware Transactional Memory-based Database with Non-volatile Memory__. Xingda Wei, Fangming Lu, Rong Chen, Haibo Chen, Binyu Zang. International Journal of Software & Informatics, 12(1), pp. 31--53, March 2022. [[http://www.ijsi.org/ijsi/article/abstract/274?st=article_issue|paper]]