====== Chuzhe Tang (唐楚哲) ====== {{:pub:members:chuzhe.jpeg?direct&170|}} Ph.D. Candidate \\ Email: t.chuzhe **at** sjtu **dot** edu **dot** cn \\ [[https://ipads.se.sjtu.edu.cn/zh/pub/members/chuzhe_tang/|中文主页]] ---- ===== About Me ===== Chuzhe Tang is currently a sixth-year Ph.D. student at the School of Software, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, under the supervision of Prof. [[pub:members:zhaoguo_wang|Zhaoguo Wang]] and Prof. [[pub:members:haibo_chen|Haibo Chen]]. He spent a year as a visiting Ph.D. student at New York University, hosted by Prof. [[https://www.news.cs.nyu.edu/~jinyang/|Jinyang Li]]. Chuzhe received his B.Eng. in Software Engineering from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2019. His research interests center around parallel and distributed database systems. ===== Publications ===== [**CACM**] **Chuzhe Tang**, Zhaoguo Wang, Xiaodong Zhang, Qianmian Yu, Binyu Zang, Haibing Guan, and Haibo Chen. 2025. Many Faces of Ad Hoc Transactions (to appear). Communications of the ACM 68, 4. [**CACM Research Highlight**] [**SIGMOD**] Gansen Hu, Zhaoguo Wang, **Chuzhe Tang**, Jiahuan Shen, Zhiyuan Dong, Sheng Yao, and Haibo Chen. 2024. WeBridge: Synthesizing Stored Procedures for Large-Scale Real-World Web Applications. Proceedings of the ACM on Management of Data, 2, 1. ({{publications:hu-sigmod24.pdf|paper}}, {{publications:webridge-sigmod24-slides.pdf|slides}}) [**TODS**] Zhaoguo Wang, **Chuzhe Tang**, Xiaodong Zhang, Qianmian Yu, Binyu Zang, Haibing Guan, and Haibo Chen. 2023. Ad Hoc Transactions through the Looking Glass: An Empirical Study of Application-Level Transactions in Web Applications. ACM Transactions on Database Systems, 49, 1. ({{publications:wang-tods24.pdf|paper}}) [**JCRD**] **Chuzhe Tang**, Zhaoguo Wang, and Haibo Chen. 2023. Empowering System Software with Machine Learning Methods: Challenges, Practice, and Prospects (in Chinese). Journal of Computer Research and Development, 60, 5. ([[https://crad.ict.ac.cn/cn/article/doi/10.7544/issn1000-1239.202330127|paper]]) [**SIGMOD Rec**] **Chuzhe Tang**, Zhaoguo Wang, Xiaodong Zhang, Qianmian Yu, Binyu Zang, Haibing Guan, and Haibo Chen. 2023. Ad Hoc Transactions: What They Are and Why We Should Care. SIGMOD Record, 52, 1. ({{publications:concerto-highlights.pdf|paper}})[**SIGMOD Research Highlight**] [**SIGMOD**] **Chuzhe Tang**, Zhaoguo Wang, Xiaodong Zhang, Qianmian Yu, Binyu Zang, Haibing Guan, and Haibo Chen. 2022. Ad Hoc Transactions in Web Applications: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. In Proceedings of the 2022 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD '22). ({{publications:concerto-sigmod22.pdf|paper}}, {{publications:concerto-extended.pdf|extended version}}, {{publications:concerto-sigmod22-slides.pdf|slides}}, [[https://youtu.be/WPBM3UCmZ38|video]])[**Best Paper Honorable Mention**] [**SIGMOD**] Zhaoguo Wang, Zhou Zhou, Yicun Yang, Haoran Ding, Gansen Hu, Ding Ding, **Chuzhe Tang**, Haibo Chen, and Jinyang Li. 2022. WeTune: Automatic Discovery and Verification of Query Rewrite Rules. In Proceedings of the 2022 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD '22). ({{publications:wetune_final.pdf|paper}}, {{publications:wtune_extend.pdf|extended version}}, [[https://youtu.be/R-hRmnkESWM|video]], [[https://ipads.se.sjtu.edu.cn:1312/opensource/wetune|code]]) [**TOS**] Zhaoguo Wang, Haibo Chen, Youyun Wang, **Chuzhe Tang**, and Huan Wang. 2022. The Concurrent Learned Indexes for Multicore Data Storage. ACM Transactions on Storage, 18, 1. ({{publications: xindex-tos.pdf|paper}}, [[https://ipads.se.sjtu.edu.cn:1312/opensource/xindex/-/tree/master|code]]) [**APSys**] Youyun Wang, **Chuzhe Tang**, Zhaoguo Wang, and Haibo Chen. 2020. SIndex: A Scalable Learned Index for String Keys. In Proceedings of the 11th ACM SIGOPS Asia-Pacific Workshop on Systems (APSys ’20). ({{publications: apsys20-final71.pdf|paper}}, {{publications:sindex-apsys20-slides.pdf|slides}}, [[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mFY1EBdfHv7nY7canooGwZD4Za2amk3p/view?usp=sharing |video]], [[https://ipads.se.sjtu.edu.cn:1312/opensource/xindex/-/tree/sindex|code]]) [**PPoPP**] **Chuzhe Tang**, Youyun Wang, Zhiyuan Dong, Gansen Hu, Zhaoguo Wang, Minjie Wang, and Haibo Chen. 2020. XIndex: A Scalable Learned Index for Multicore Data Storage. In Proceedings of the 25th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming (PPoPP ’20). ({{publications:tangppopp20.pdf|paper}}, {{publications:xindex_extended.pdf|extended version}}, {{publications:xindex-ppopp20-slides.pdf|slides}}, [[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vLUAh8WkJF5O3JXm8fKJNklhPyqDnS1F/view?usp=sharing|video]], [[https://ipads.se.sjtu.edu.cn:1312/opensource/xindex|code]]) [**JCST**] Zhiyuan Dong, **Chuzhe Tang**, Jiachen Wang, Zhaoguo Wang, Haibo Chen, and Binyu Zang. 2020. Optimistic Transaction Processing in Deterministic Database. Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 35, 2. ({{publications:docc.pdf|paper}}) ===== Awards and Honors ===== * Research Highlight Award, ACM SIGMOD (2023) * Best Paper Honorable Mention, SIGMOD '22 (2022) * Qiushi Graduate Scholarship, SJTU (2020) * Excellent Bachelor Thesis (top 1%), SJTU (2019) * First-Class Academic Excellence Scholarship (top 1%), SJTU (2017) * China National Scholarship (top 2%), Ministry of Education of the PRC (2017) * "Three-Good" Student, SJTU (2017) * Lvyun Scholarship (top 2%), SJTU (2017) * Honorable Mention, COMAP Mathematical Contest In Modeling (2017) * Second-Class Academic Excellence Scholarship (top 10%), SJTU (2016) * "Three-Good" Student, SJTU (2016) ===== Service and Teaching ===== * Shadow PC member, EuroSys 2022 * TA and guest lecturer, Computer System Design and Implementation (SJTU X037514), 2021 Spring * TA, Compilers (SJTU SE302), 2020 Fall * TA, Programming and Data Structure (SJTU SE117), 2017 Spring