====== Chenning Xie (Chenny) ====== [[http://ipads.se.sjtu.edu.cn/|Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems]]\\ [[http://www.sjtu.edu.cn/|Shanghai Jiao Tong University]]\\ Email: [[xie.chenny@gmail.com]] \\ \\ ===== About Me ===== I am a second year Master student in the Software Engineering at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. I work in the System Research Group of Parallel Processing Institute, adviced by Prof. Binyu Zang and Haibo Chen. My research interest is distributed system. I intend to graduate at the Spring of 2015. ===== Research Area ===== * Distributed System (X10) * Fault Tolerance * Parallel Graph Computation ===== Education ===== * Sep. 2012 - Now. Software School, Shanghai Jiao Tong University * Sep. 2008 - July. 2012. Software School, Fudan University