====== Cocytus ====== Cocytus is a distributed in-memory key-value store which achieves both efficiency and availability by using hybrid erasure coding and replication. With low overhead for latency and throughput, it saves up to 46% memory compared to traditional primary-backup replications when tolerating two failures. An online recovery scheme is applied when failures are detected so that the whole system is able to serve key-value requests continuously. === Faculty === * [[pub:members:Haibo Chen]] === Students === * Heng Zhang  Mingkai Dong ===== Publications ===== * [**FAST**] Efficient and Available In-memory KV-Store with Hybrid Erasure Coding and Replication. Heng Zhang, Mingkai Dong, Haibo Chen. In Proceedings of 14th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies (to appear), Santa Clara, CA, Feburary 2015. ===== Source Code ===== The source code of Cocytus is available through git clone git@github.com:SJTU-IPADS/cocytus.git or git clone http://ipads.se.sjtu.edu.cn:1312/opensource/cocytus.git